Eagles Wings China

Chinese Orphans Assistance Team (inc) operates family homes, a school and vocational training in Jaiozuo, Henan Province. www.eagleswingschina.org

Welcome to the fresh new direction for this group - starting from August 2013! -

We would like to introduce ourselves; Tavis and Kathy Hawke.
We are the new on-ground supervisors for the Eagles Wings China project and new admins for this facebook page, along with Linda Shum, International Director and Margaret Mason, Secretary of COAT Inc.

Over the next few days we will be updating this page with more info about this awesome role we are undertaking in China.

For a quick brief background overview of ourselves;
Both of us are a part of the dedicated and active volunteer Management Committee team of COAT, we have been involved for several years in the support of this project and (as MC) were Donnas supervisors during her service with the Eagles Wings China project.
We are working very close with the dedicated local team and the COAT management team in Australia, but also operate as Directors of Homes and Health – key roles in the development of the children under the care of COAT inc. and our partners Global Development Group (GDG)

We are a family of five who have committed and relocated ourselves over to China, and between us all we have a myriad of experience, qualification and training to bring a fresh breath into the project, staff and children of COAT.

We have an awesome team of genuine caring local staff who are committed to the welfare of the children and we will be endeavouring to develop our friendships and connections with them as a team for the benefit of us all.

The language barrier is slowly eroding and we are enjoying the amazing city of JiaoZhou, where the locals are friendly and curious about the five of us living here, shopping at the markets or street side sales and mixing in with them and their culture.

To sponsor a child or make a donation, go to our website at www.eagleswingschina.org.

Non-profit organization